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VCC, +5V netlabels not working in simulation
1615 1
Sofia Paixão 3 years ago
I was trying to design a simple amplifier circuit in simulation mode in EasyEDA, and after connecting to GND and VCC netlabels, I was very confused as to why it was telling me I had no voltage sources, once I tried to run the simulation in DC OP mode; specifically, this message: _"Current circuit doesn't has Voltage Resource or Current Resource symbol, please place it first at left side EELib or Spice Library"_ After digging a bit, it seems like VCC/GND netlabels are not being associated with a voltage source anymore. I tried opening this circuit []( , which mentions a slightly different problem triggered by two voltage sources in the same net, and: \- for Sheet1 \(an example presented as working\) File \-\> Export Netlist \-\> LTSpice fails with the same error \- for Sheet4 \(also presented as working\)\, it ignores all Netlabel voltage sources in the export Is this intentional, or a regression? For anyone with the same issue, I managed to circumvent it by replacing all voltage netlabels by its explicit equivalent: a DC source connected to GND.
andyfierman 3 years ago
This is a deliberate change because the net label solution (a) teaches bad habits in setting up simulations and (b) did not work in all possible situations. The placement of explicit sources follows the de-facto industry standard for spice simulation tools. Please refer to the Simulation Tutorial for more information about the need to explicit sources in simulations and how to configure Voltage and Current Sources.
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