You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Via problem
1524 6
zapad 5 years ago
hello I cannot put ' VIA holes'  on my project nothing happens mik
andyfierman 5 years ago
As pointed out in: []( you need to give more information including at least screenshots, about your project.
MikeDB 5 years ago
Do you mean you can place vias but they can't be connected to any nets ?  EasyEDA has a rather idiosyncratic way of connecting vias to nets
UserSupport 5 years ago
@MikeDB if your PCB the "routing conflict" is "Block", you will not connect the track to the via if they have different net.
MikeDB 5 years ago
@UserSupport Yes I turned Block off on about the second day of using EasyEDA.  The last tool I used you could place a via as you routed but not in your tool so I just route on one layer then add vias afterwards and change layers for different segments.  Slow but the tool is free and I lost access to the system I used to use. But even now I sometimes have to rip up a whole track containing a via and start again if I change a component on the net.  Doesn't happen all the time, but far too many times to be good.  Especially seems to happen if I change the footprint on a device.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@MikeDB, "The last tool I used you could place a via as you routed but not in your tool so I just route on one layer then add vias afterwards and change layers for different segments." You can do this in EasyEDA using the Shortcut Keys. Start routing on the layer you want (Bottom or Top) then to swap to another layer, click the end of the segment on the start layer then press T or B to automatically place a via and swap to the Top or Bottom layer. Continue routing from the via on the new layer. This works for inner layers too. ![image.png](//
MikeDB 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks Andy - I did think it probably could do this but Enter didn't work.  The documentation leads a little to be desired but of course at the price we can't expect much else.
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