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WIsh: more control over ground pour
906 5
martin 7 years ago
Hello, in my current project, I need finer control over the ground pour, specifically, I need to be able to block it in "inner parts" of the layout (ie, like an island). The idea is that a boost converter IC's ground layout is specific in how the power ground should be connected to signal ground. My solution right now is to use a copper area and use the clearances to block out the ground, but this isn't ideal.
martin 7 years ago
![See Problem in this image][1] [1]: /editor/20180130/5a6f55d818721.png
Tutorials 7 years ago
Hi How about changing the clearance of the copper area?
martin 7 years ago
Hi there, first thing I did, but the effects of that affect the _entire_ ground pour, and leads to even more problems, such as ground failing to pour in otherwise accessible (and desirable) areas.
Summving 7 years ago
This solid region you can set as cutout. there is no more good idea to solve your problem.
andyfierman 7 years ago
The problem with a solid area set as a cutout is that it leaves an isolated loop of track. This can make defining a copper free area even more complicated. This is an example of a board with a small copper area assigned to the 4V5V net on the top layer: ![enter image description here][1] Now the same thing with a small triangular solid region set as cutout and given no net name: ![enter image description here][2] Setting the net name of the solid region to the same as that of the copper area (4V5V) causes the whole region to be flooded: ![enter image description here][3] [1]: /editor/20180130/5a7045d01f854.png [2]: /editor/20180130/5a7046b954558.png [3]: /editor/20180130/5a7046d7e8107.png
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