I'm a first time easyeda user wanting to simulate a buck converter circuit. I've constructed the circuit below
When simulating I get the following:
> Circuit: gooduntitled
> Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
> Warning: r9: resistance to low, set to 1 mOhm
> Warning: singular matrix: check nodes u3\_3 and u3\_3
> Note: Starting dynamic gmin stepping
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Warning: singular matrix: check nodes u3\_3 and u3\_3
> Warning: Dynamic gmin stepping failed
> Note: Starting source stepping
> Warning: singular matrix: check nodes u3\_3 and u3\_3
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful gmin step
> Note: One successful source step
> Warning: singular matrix: check nodes u3\_3 and u3\_3
> Warning: singular matrix: check nodes u3\_3 and u3\_3
> Warning: source stepping failed
> Transient solution failed -
> Last Node Voltages
> \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
> Node Last Voltage Previous Iter
> \-\-\-\- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
> u3_2 0 0
> u3_6 0 0
> volprobe 0 0
> u3_1 0 0
> gnd 0 0
> u3_3 0 0
> l2#branch 0 0
> v1#branch 0 0
doAnalyses: iteration limit reached
> tran simulation(s) aborted
> Error(parse.c--checkvalid): volprobe: no such vector.
> ngspice-26 done
I used the design manager to check connections and node connections. I can't spot anything wrong so I am uncertain as to how to fix this error? Is it possible that the LM2678 switching ic used here does not have a spice model available for simulation?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.