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Waveform window doesn't appear
2500 5
tylerjoshuahilbert 7 years ago
I have the following schematic: ![enter image description here][1] I wanted to run a simulation so I pressed ctrl r and ran with the following settings: ![enter image description here][2] After doing this I was hoping to get the waveform window but instead I got this: ![enter image description here][3] How can I go about opening the waveform window when I run a simulation? [1]: /editor/20170401/58deb948207e4.PNG [2]: /editor/20170401/58deb96ae0d73.PNG [3]: /editor/20170401/58deb9801f9a8.PNG
andyfierman 7 years ago
You have no WaveForm window because you have not been able to run a simulation. Sorry but you have not been able to run a simulation because you have not taken note of the information given in the response to your earlier post about this simulation: Your simulation does not run because you have: 1. not given the simulation a power supply. Simply tacking on a +5V NetFlag does not work; 2. applied voltage probes to the ground nets. This is not allowed; 3. not used simulatable schematic symbols. These points are explained in the EasyEDA Simulation eBook referred to in the link above.
tylerjoshuahilbert 7 years ago
@andyfierman Alright I reworked my schematic to fix the first 2 problems: ![enter image description here][1] I am confused what you mean by "simulate schematic symbols" though. Also when I run my simulation I get this error: "No. of Data Rows : 1008 Error(parse.c--checkvalid): volprobe1: no such vector. ngspice-26 done" [1]: /editor/20170402/58e04ff6495e2.PNG
andyfierman 7 years ago
Your simulation is failing now because you have: 1. used led symbols with no SPICE model associated with them; 2. put two VolProbes with different names on the same net. Most schematic symbols in EasyEDA are simply non-simulation symbols used to draw schematics with. For a schematic symbol to work in a simulation it must have a spice model associated with it. This is referred to as a `spice symbol`. Please refer to the link I have already pointed you to and read the EasyEDA Simulation eBook. In particular read: Please also read the section of the eBook about `Avoiding common mistakes` and in particular about net naming and probing voltages.
tylerjoshuahilbert 7 years ago
@andyfierman Ok so I fixed the voltage probes. I'm still confused about the SPICE models though. How do you know that there is no spice model associated with those LEDS? Also, should I go online and find a LED symbol that has a SPICE model associated with it if I want to simulate the circuit?
andyfierman 7 years ago
`How do you know that there is no spice model associated with those LEDS?` Because they did not come from the: **System Components > Spice Simulation** library. `...should I go online and find a LED symbol that has a SPICE model associated with it if I want to simulate the circuit?` No. Just follow the instructions in the first part of: where it says: How to find spice symbols (which have models already associated with them) From V4.1.3. the EasyEDA Libs no longer contain schematic symbols with associated spice models. Schematic symbols with spice simulation models attached to them can now be found using the: More Libraries... button (or SHIFT+F) and searching under: System Components > Spice Simulation You will find Dledy, Dledg, Dledr and Dledo basic simulatable LED symbols under: `System Components > Spice Simulation > Spice Discrete`.
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