I am a beginner with the experience of having etched just one board (2 inches x 3 inches) for a circuit I found online. And also I am just an ordinary person who worked as a computer operator all my life. Now when I am jobless (owing to the corona scenario), I am doing some hobby electronics by watching YouTube videos.
Currently, after having done a CharliPlexed 4x4x4 RGB cube - wherein I used a generic PCB and lots of wires, I decided to do a PCB on my own using EasyEda desktop version. I did the schematics, but the AutoRouter always generates two layered design. Though I am trying to get it all done on a single sided board, still, I would love to try and learn more about Double Sided board. Someday, I will even etch one.
The big issue is that I am unaware of how to do that. I mean, those YouTube Videos - they make things look like "very very easy".
When I tried doing both sides (just the tracing or transferring the circuit and the top layer for the one I mentioned above) - things went wrong - and I could not get the Top Layer text align with the acutal circuit. As it was just one sided PCB, I could (and did) give up doing the top layer. But this will be impossible for a double sided board! As such, I would love to know some real tips and probably those will help me get educated as well.
Thanks for reading this and sharing some tips for a Novice.
Stay safe.