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What does "Warning: copper area do not allow self-intersection" mean?
3863 11
geekness 6 years ago
Im getting this error in my PCB [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|47a9e074256745c98c909c70f330e86a\|1cd3b05145e84996aecbcfdae4e2a336](|47a9e074256745c98c909c70f330e86a|1cd3b05145e84996aecbcfdae4e2a336) ![bottom plate warning.jpg](// Im hoping somebody can please tell me which part of my PCB is causing this error.
andyfierman 6 years ago
The warning is because you have some green vertices in your copper areas that overlap. If you click and drag this vertex, you will find there's another exactly under it. ![image.png](// The same thing is true of at least one of the vertices in the top layer. Here's the same vertex in the top layer and this time I have dragged it to show the other vertex: ![image.png](// * I think that if you delete the extra vertex in each of these two copper areas and then rebuild the copper areas, these warnings will disappear. If not, check for more duplicate vertices.
andyfierman 6 years ago
A more generic example of overlapping in a Copper Area and the associated warning: ![image.png](//
ArduinoHaber 6 years ago
I have same problem. Did solve it?
andyfierman 6 years ago
Have you not read the posts above about what causes this warning?
ArduinoHaber 6 years ago
yes I read, I tried everything, but no solution
andyfierman 6 years ago
Can you post your project as a public project - or share it privately with support - so we can have a look?
Ahsan Ayyaz 6 years ago
@andyfierman I am having the same issue. can you take a look at my project and tell what is causing this issue. I can't figure out. [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|b0796755a023471984e2f1eba0a0dd24\|3c493741bf4e4f889745fb8ee12f83d9](|b0796755a023471984e2f1eba0a0dd24|3c493741bf4e4f889745fb8ee12f83d9) and [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|2a92ba1f63524294815c4fd913184180\|e8acdf1e7d7a4b97baea6ad0c9f9b8c0](|2a92ba1f63524294815c4fd913184180|e8acdf1e7d7a4b97baea6ad0c9f9b8c0)
andyfierman 6 years ago
@ahsanayyaz42, As I looked at them just now, neither of your PCBs have an copper areas and neither of them show any warnings about self intersection: ![image.png](//
Ahsan Ayyaz 6 years ago
I figured it out. I was applying the copper area wrong. I was overlapping the trace of the copper area because I am a newbie. Thanks for your feedback. ![wrong.jpg](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
Well spotted , Ahsan! :)
UserSupport 6 years ago
@ahsanayyaz42 @andyfierman we will try to solve this issue at v6.1 thanks
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