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When working in a Team, saved new PCB footprint does not show in SHIFT+F search
935 1
andyfierman 7 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Working in a Team. Cloned PCB footprint but it does not then show up in SHIFT+F search. Steps to reproduce bug: Working in a Team. Cloned PCB footprint: `TO-220 w/Heatsink` Renamed and saved it - without adding any tags - as: `TO-220 on AAVID 529702B02500G HEAT SINK` Enter name into SHIFT+F Search. Part not found: ![enter image description here][1] Sanity check by repeating clone of `TO-220 w/Heatsink` then rename to `TO-220 on AAVID 529702B02500G HEAT SINK` and save. Part already exists: ![enter image description here][2] Look in `My Parts`. Find that footprint is in `My Parts` under `Untagged`: ![enter image description here][3] Modify and add tags `TO220; VERTICAL; HEATSINK; HEAT SINK; AAVID`. New Tags under `My Parts` appear and footprint is shown under each. Then SHIFT+F search again. Still no results: ![enter image description here][4] Browser: Any. [1]: /editor/20170630/59566a85531ce.png [2]: /editor/20170630/59566d293f686.png [3]: /editor/20170630/59566daa770c9.png [4]: /editor/20170630/59566f9cb681b.png
support 7 years ago
Thanks for your report
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