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Where do you find the simulation data?
489 2
avarose123_456 2 years ago
I was using the 010 Simulation Library tutorial and at 2:21 they say you can find simulation data in the datasheet, but I cannot find the datasheet for any of the components I am using, They also say you can find the simulation data in the forum but I haven't found it there either and I don't know how to write it myself. The simulation data I need is for components ELECTRET, LM386N-1NOPB, NE5534AADE4, and SA612AN, NX3225GB_8M. I was able to do everything else in the tutorial except find the simulation data.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Before attempting simulation in EasyEDA, please read: [](
andyfierman 2 years ago
To be clear: The video 010 Simulation Library tutorial at: [](<br> <br> is misleading in two ways. 1) It is incorrect to refer to a spice simulation model as "simulation data". Simulation data more correctly refers to the data generated as the outputs from a simulation run. 2) It is misleading to say that a spice model can be obtained from a device datasheet. To run a simulation of a device, that device needs to be assigned a **spice** **simulation model** (or simply a **spice model**). This is usually a text format file (but sometimes it may be an encrypted file). This file can sometimes (but not always) be downloaded from the device manufacturer's website. Text model files may need editing to run on a particular simulation engine. Encrypted files will only run on simulators from and for which they are encypted. Very rarely a spice model is included as text as part of the device datasheet from which it may be possible to copy, paste and format it into a functional model file. A spice model can not usually be derived directly from the specifications and parameters given in a device datasheet. This is particularly true for discrete devices such diodes and transistors. It is sometimes possible to construct a spice model for devices such as triacs, operational amplifiers, gate drivers, VCAs etc., from their datasheets (there are many such models in the EasyEDA Spice Symbol library) but this is a specialised task. **Before attempting simulation in EasyEDA, the SimulationTutorial:** [****](<br> <br> **Is essential reading. ** The introduction explains where to find simulatable models in EasyEDA and spice models in general and Chapter 14 Device Models, in particular explains much more about them.
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