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Which schematic parts have spice models?
1750 1
andyfierman 11 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: **How does the user know which schematic parts have spice models?** In playing with: in Anonymous mode, I wanted to replace the default npn transistors with different ones that had spice models. So I did: Find Libraries... and found that there is a 2N3904 in the System libs. The trouble is that there is no way to tell if this part has a spice model associated with it. It turns out that the 2N3904 does have a spice model associated with it, so when I type 2N3904 into the transistors in the (uploaded LTspice) schematic and save it, it simulates correctly. However, if I search for 2222 and find PN2222A and change the transistors in the schematic to PN2222A then the simulation does not run because EE cannot find a spice model. I thought we used to have a little 'S' inside the symbols in Find Libraries... that showed which devices had models and which did not. Is that going to come back again or is there some other way to show users which devices have models and which do not? Url: (but any schematic file has the same problem.) Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
dillon 11 years ago
All schematic parts which find via Find Libraries don't attach with our spice models database, the users should need some hack ways to make them simulation. When we get enough models for NPN, we will give the users a drop down list, they just need to select.
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