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While routing a track..hotkeys B and T don't appear to be working...No via placed although focus shifts to chosen layer...can it be due to recent upgrade ?
568 5
Critter_Spike 6 years ago
While routing a track manually, I expect to be able to place a via and continue to route the track on the other layer having pressed the hotkey B or T...but instead the track shifts to the "B" Bottom layer or "T" Top lay depending on whether I've pressed B or T while routing...
andyfierman 6 years ago
@Critter_Spike, Sorry but I cannot reproduce this. The B or T Hotkeys place a via and swap the track routing to the opposite layer for me in Chromium and Firefox latest.
Critter_Spike 6 years ago
Thanks for responding......I'm using Firefox on my Macbook Air...I don't know how to capture the screen action to show you ...I first select the layer I wish the trace to begin on from the Layer Pallet....say for example "TopLayer" (Red) ...I then Left-Click on the first pad of the net...and begin to draw out the trace...If while I'm track-laying...I tap the "B" Via is place...and the whole length of track that I've just placed essentially "flips" to the BottomLayer and turns Blue...I suppose I may be able to record a video clip to prove it...could it be related to the fact that I commenced the board design before the upgrade...I've worked round it by beginning by placing a via...then assigning it a net name to suit the trace...then routing up to the via on the top and Bottom Layers in turn...weird....I'll try it on my Windows machine and see if I get the same effect....any ideas..?
Critter_Spike 6 years ago
Firefox on Windows 10 machine...same issue....Incidentally I also cannot get the Copper Pour to work on either layers of my board.....
andyfierman 6 years ago
Not sure if this is related but are you creating a PCB directly or using Convert to PCB from a schematic?
UserSupport 6 years ago
You must routing the track on TopLayer, and then use the hotkey B, when you move the mouse, you will see the via.
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