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Why is the silkscreen of footprint different than what it should be?
731 10
skunksoftware 5 years ago
I'm reading Andy's helpful [hints before printing PCB]( I now understand that a silkscreen should never be printed over an SMD pad. My resistors all have silkscreen over pads.  Ok, so edit the footprint... guess not.  The footprint and what is on the PCB are two different things. Please help me understand how to fix this.  (I could manually ungroup each one, but I have over 100 of them) I'm using the same package, tried Update PCB and still the same issue; the silkscreen of footprint is over SMD pads (but in manager it is clearly NOT)... I'm confused. ![SilkscreenOverPadbutShouldntBe.png](//
MikeDB 5 years ago
Why not just edit the footprint and apply it to all resistors ?
skunksoftware 5 years ago
@MikeDB Check out the picture, the footprint is correct in manager. Why does it change on PCB? (I would assume that it is a different package, but it's not.  Unless packages can have the same name...) Also note, if I place the same exact component (fresh copy from library) onto PCB - it is correct...
skunksoftware 5 years ago
More Info: I cloned the footprint and edited it, it turns out that it did have silkscreen over the pads (seen when editing). _(but in manager/preview it doesn't show AND if I place a component directly to PCB it doesn't show)_ **Weird...** I'm going to edit the footprint, apply new package to resistors in Schematic, then update PCB
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi That is footprint preview issue, at footprint, the silk over the pad doesn't show up.
skunksoftware 5 years ago
Will JCLPCB silkscreen it like the preview? (so an update to footprint isn't needed) I'm finding that if I update the PCB it is going to set me back hours (forced changes).
UserSupport 5 years ago
When the PCB fabriacte, the silk which is over the pad will be removed.
skunksoftware 5 years ago
Do they remove entire 'silkscreen object' or will it 'cut-out'? Like a rectangle silkscreen that goes over a pad.  Will it remove the entire rectangle or just the section that is over that pad?
UserSupport 5 years ago
@skunksoftware cut-out part of it
skunksoftware 5 years ago
@UserSupport This will save me a headache - thank you for the info! @MikeDB Your gut was right - search tags: footprint not same in PCB, footprint overlapping pads/vias, PCBLib, silkscreen different than footprint preview in the footprint manager How to fix? 3 Options 1) Edit the part in PCB view, select part and then click Ungroup (in Tools), edit away     !) Note: If you update the PCB (from Schematic) it will revert your changes! 2) Proper way, edit the package used for the component in the schematic view - then Update PCB     !) Note: Updating PCB forces changes - make sure those changes are ok for you before saving PCB (you can safely try it, just don't save until you confirm the Updated PCB is fine) 3) Smile, JCLPCB has your back - JCLPCB will make sure your silkscreen is not over pads     !) Note: They will cut-out the section of silkscreen that is overlapping the pad
andyfierman 5 years ago
It is bad practice to design any PCB footprint with silkscreen overlapping the pads. Seems like some of the library parts need to be corrected. If you spot any more, please mark send in a "Report an Error". Section (2.3) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
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