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Why use multi-layer pad if the pad has no hole?
2874 9
lyseoy 4 years ago
I'm verifying a user-contributed decal for a TC2030-MCP-FP Tag-Connect connector. The six connector pads are designed as multi-layer, but they have no holes (hole diameter is set to 0). What will the resulting 2-layer PCB look like in this case? Will I have two matching sets of pads on the top and bottom layer, but with no connection through the board? As discussed in this post: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/Multi\_layer\_pads\_not\_connected\-jXtnFyQ8q]( In that case it would just be a waste of real estate on the other side, wouldn't it? (If on the other hand it IS possible to make a pad that is connected through the board with no hole, I guess this would be preferable as it would be more durable: Repeated connect-disconnects of the connector could wear out the thin copper layer. Perhaps) On a similar note, one of the six pads are not like the others... It's not plated, while the others are. However if there is no hole through the pad, this setting has no effect, correct?
andyfierman 4 years ago
If a multilayer pad has no hole in it then there can be no through-plated connection between the pads. Therefore the pads on each layer are not connected together. In EasyEDA at present, it is not possible to define a multilayer pad with a zero diameter hole it in. These footprints however, date from an earlier version of EasyEDA when it was possible to define a multilayer pad with no hole. I have reported this footprint as an error: ![image.png](// You could make your own copy of this - or whichever it is you decide is a suitable - footprint and then set the pad hole size to that recommended in the connector manufacturer's datasheet (and check all other dimensions against the datasheet too).
andyfierman 4 years ago
Or if you don't want multilayer pads with plated through holes then as above, copy your chosen footprint then edit it to redefine the pads to be on the top layer only.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You will also need to set the Paste Mask Expansion to a negative value equal in magnitude to equal to or greater than half the pad diameter so if the the pads diameter is X then set the Paste Mask expansion to -X/2. In this example, the pads are 0.79mm diameter so a Paste Mask Expansion of -0.4mm would be fine.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You may find that the contributor corrects this footprint for you.
lyseoy 4 years ago
@andyfierman I cloned the schematic and footprint, linked them, changed the pads to top-layer and removed the paste mask as you instructed. (Thanks for that, don't think I'd figure out that procedure by myself). I've asked the contributor if he'd like to update this. I don't want to take credit for just a small correction like this, but if the contributor doesn't respond, I'd like to contribute the new component. Can't figure out how to do this though, and it seems the tutorials and forum posts don't cover this. I read somewhere that in EasyEDA all component designs are public (something along those lines), so I started wondering: Is my new component already visible to others? Or is there I process I need to go through to contribute it?
andyfierman 4 years ago
"I'd like to contribute the new component. Can't figure out how to do this though, and it seems the tutorials and forum posts don't cover this." This is described in: (2.3) in (2) in: []( "I read somewhere that in EasyEDA all component designs are public (something along those lines), so I started wondering: Is my new component already visible to others? " Yes: ![image.png](// * Please add a suitable description to describe it and to distinuguish it form all the other similar parts plus add links to datasheets etc. as described in (2.3) in (2) in: [](
lyseoy 4 years ago
It seems the "How to create findable Footprints and searchable Symbols" tutorial doesn't mention that the symbols and footprints will NOT appear in the "User Contributed" list, as the creator sees it. They only appear in the "Work Space" list. This was the source of my confusion. Could be mentioned in the tutorial, or even better, fixed? I've updated the symbol and footprint titles. Added a link to the datasheet in the descriptions. Would have been nice if the "View Datasheet" button would link to the datasheet, but seems this is automated and only searches for datasheets on the LCSC web page, correct?
andyfierman 4 years ago
"They only appear in the "Work Space" list. This was the source of my confusion. Could be mentioned in the tutorial, or even better, fixed?" Please post this as either a Feature Request or a Bug Report. "Would have been nice if the "View Datasheet" button would link to the datasheet, but seems this is automated and only searches for datasheets on the LCSC web page, correct?" If I get time I will post a Feature Request about this because there is an inconsistency between how links can be added to and displayed for parts depending on whether they are being created from scratch or being edited from existing parts and whether they are created for LCSC or System and User Contributed parts.
UserSupport 4 years ago
The View Datasheet only search this part at if you add a link for it you can open the link at: ![image.png](// and the Work Space, it include Personal, Teams libraries. you can find it at the left side ![image.png](//
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