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Wii mote In a Nintendo Zapper.
1448 4
Scabab1359 3 years ago
I have an idea for a project that I have seen a few people make on youtube already but they always modify an existing Wii Mote. I was thinking, "Why not just build a PCB to fit inside a Nintendo?" Zapper? So I have tracked down the schematics for a Wii mote but it is well beyond my skill level and ability to turn it into a functioning PCB layout. Ideally, if somebody could design a pcb layout that would use all of the functions of the Wii Mote with room for a battery pack or a an 18650. If there is somebody out there who is interested in such a task please do so, I would really like to lay Duck Hunt on my RetroPi and big screen tv. Thanks to any body who can do this. .  ![Wii Mote.png](// [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br>
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! Sure, I could be interested to take part of your project. I PM you for further details. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Markus_ee 3 years ago
@Scabab1359 Hi! Can you answer to my PM me as soon as you can? I don't know how active you are here on the site, I'm quite active here and try to interact and help you guys. But I can't help if I'm kept waiting for answers to my messages for days and weeks. I know that you guys are busy with work and life but please try to increase activity here. Being active with your projects even helps with creativity and sanity during these wild times. Keep up the good work people! Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Scabab1359 3 years ago
@markus_jidoka hey there, thanks for taking interest, what do you need to know>?
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! I see you replied to my PM. Lets continue the conversation there. -Markus
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