You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
You've broken the Login screen again !!!
617 2
NuttyMonk 1 year ago
Hi EasyEDA, how come you always keep breaking the login screen? When i do an update i never know if i will be able to login to EasyEDA after the update is done.  Now you sent a message saying we had to update because the previous version would be unusable after a certain date.  So i did the update and the login screen is broken. AGAIN!!! Why can't you just leave the login screen alone when it is working?  Now i can't get any of my schematic symbols or footprints until you decide to fix the login screen. AGAIN!!! If this happens once more, i don't care about how much of a hassle it will be but i am going to switch to another EDA tool for designing my PCB's.  I can't keep going through this. Later, idiots.
UserSupport 1 year ago
Hi does the browser website or desktop client after installation? if the desktop client, it re-install will remove the login info and cache, it need to login again thank you
VALENTINE 1 year ago
\>\> Later\, idiots\. You get free software. Please do not insult the developers. Unless you get $10000 hidden under your mattress for Altium Designer, any other EDA will have such problems. Cheers, Valentine
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