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Zoom unusable on Pro Version with trackpad
610 7
Hamid Moazed 2 years ago
<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">The **Standard** **Version** zoom in/out works great with trackpad,</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">but I cannot upgrade to **Pro Version** because the zoom is unusable using trackpad - moving my two fingers up or down just a millimeter zooms in or out by a very huge factor.</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">I looked for a setting for zoom sensitivity but could not find one, please let me know if there is such a setting,</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">or if this can be fixed because I would really like to upgrade to the pro version.</span>
Hamid Moazed 2 years ago
Forgot to mention the standalone EasyEda client has the same issue as the online version on Chrome browser.
UserSupport 2 years ago
we will improve it at v1.9
tedems 2 years ago
Thanks for the information. I too find it unusable on the pro version.
mwon 2 years ago
Any update on this? I'm having the same issue. It should be a simple fix.
Chris Leckie 2 years ago
I have to use the PRO version to output STEP files for Fusion360 but I am very frustrated using my mac with this zoom issue. It would be nice if there was 3d spacemouse support, as well!
steeleymail 1 year ago
I have this issue and its unusable ... 10 months and still not fixed, and no settings for trackpad either. I use Many different = CAD programs and they all support trackpads ok. I.E pinch-zoom and two-fingered scroll x-y.
Scott Berry 1 year ago
Still can't use Pro. What a shame. So unnecessarily frustrating that simple thing like zoom speed/acceleration can't be resolved in years.
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