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always highlight selected net?
3354 9
spongman 8 years ago
so, you can hit 'H' to highlight the selected net. is there a way to have it always hilight the selected net, without having to hit the 'H' key?
andyfierman 8 years ago
Just click on it.
spongman 8 years ago
huh? i want it to always highlight the whole net. not just the part i click on.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Depends if the trace is drawn all in one segment or several segments. If it's all one segment then clicking anywhere on it will select the whole length. If it's drawn in several segments then clicking anywhere on it will select only that segment. To highlight the whole length there are two choices: 1. press `H`; 2. click on the desired net in the `Design Manager > Nets`
spongman 8 years ago
you're completely misunderstanding what i mean. please read my original post. and by 'net' i mean 'net', not track.
andyfierman 8 years ago
I have read your original post and that is what I have answered. You said: `so, you can hit 'H' to highlight the selected net` The `H` key only highlights traces in a PCB not nets in a schematic. :)
spongman 8 years ago
i'm talking about nets in the PCB editor. not schematics. not traces.
spongman 8 years ago
honetsly. i think you're not really helping here andy.
spongman 8 years ago
yeah, 'h' doesn't even do anything in the schematic editor, so i don't really know why you though i might be talking about schematics.
andyfierman 8 years ago
I am talking about PCBs. I pointed out that the `H` key only works on PCBs for the avoidance of doubt because your terminology is confusing. At the start of this post you gave no indication of whether you were referring to a schematic or a PCB. `Net` is a term generally used to describe a connection in a schematic. `Traces`, `tracks` or `routed nets` are terms generally used to described segments of a net that has been routed and therefore shown drawn in as copper on a PCB. If you are talking about the thin blue lines that join pads on an unrouted PCB, i.e. what you typically get the first time after you have converted a schematic to a PCB then they are generally referred to `ratlines`, `rats` or `air lines`. They can also be referred to as `unrouted nets` to distinguish them from routed nets, i.e. copper. So, to clarify my earlier replies: #### To highlight an `unrouted net` or `ratline` on a PCB: 1. click on a pad then press `H`; 2. click on the desired net in the `Design Manager > Nets` in the right hand panel. #### To highlight a `routed net` that has been routed on a PCB as one continuous segment: 1. click anywhere on the routed net and the whole length will light up; 2. click on any pad or via on the routed net then press `H`; 3. click on the desired net in the `Design Manager > Nets` in the right hand panel. #### To highlight a `routed net` that has been routed on a PCB as more than one continuous segment: 1. click on any pad or via on the routed net then press `H`; 2. click on the desired net in the `Design Manager > Nets` in the right hand panel.
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