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bug in drag to move that fails to snap to grid
402 8
jthompson8 2 years ago
is there any fix to the multiselect snap to grid not snapping section to random values not quite the grid selection? i think it only happens if there is a lot of items selected to be moved at once, there seams to be some preset value in the program that if you have more than the set amount of items selected, it uses a different selection bounding method that draws a red dotted box where you are placing the selected items rather than actually drawing them during the drag operation. when in this mode of dragging lots of items at once the Snap to grid fails to land in increments of the grid snap setting throwing everything on your PCB out of line. made even worse by the undo function dose not work properly and if you try to undo changes to get back to what you had before, the undo function deleates all the tracks and only places the components back in there correct undo location. without closing the PCB WITHOUT SAVING CHANGES and hoping not to lose to much work there is no way to undo the mess it makes of the PCB
andyfierman 2 years ago
Please change the Category of your topic to Bug Report. Please also post some animated gif videos showing examples to clearly demonstrate your issues.
jthompson8 2 years ago
it seems to place the large selections of items a few pixels to the right of  of the grid selection as you let go of the mouse button but im not sure the exact cause
jthompson8 2 years ago
it seams to be quite easy to replicate the error set the Canvas Grid Size to 100.000mil set the Canvas Snap Grid to 100.000mil select everything on the canvas move everything 1 grid snap lower and it should all land on the next grid snap everything seems to land 5mil to far to the right and 125mil to far to the bottom if you drag everething 2 grid snaps it ends up 5mil to far to the right and 225mil to far to the bottom i dont no where it is getting the exra 5mil and 25mil from
jthompson8 2 years ago
could the extra 5mil and 25mil be the thickness of some border or scroll bar that should not have ended up a part of the calculation?
jthompson8 2 years ago
yet again the crappy drag and drop completely screws up the entire PCB randomly moving everything off grid. any suggestions how i am supposed to move everything back by 5033.15mil along the y axis ? i want any one of the outer 4 bolt holes back on a grid centre. if i now touch anything it kindly snaps it to the grid after randomly moving everything off grid now just ruins anything i touch !!! ![image.png](//
UserSupport 2 years ago
Hi please use the offset feature when you right-click menu the objects
UserSupport 2 years ago
Or you can set the canvas origin at Place menu
jthompson8 2 years ago
"Or you can set the canvas origin at Place menu" thanks, its usual to know i can reset the origin
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