You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
bxl import ???
1561 6
luudee 6 years ago
Does anybody know how I can import a vendor supplied footprint in BLX format into a PCB library? Thanks, rudi
andyfierman 6 years ago
All EasyEDA files are in JSON format so you would have to find a BLX to JSON converter. If you can find or convert the footprint in an Altium, KICAD or Eagle 6 or later format then you should be able to import it into EasyEDA.
luudee 6 years ago
Thank you Andy ! I had mixed results with UltrrLibrarian (free) []( []( It can translate to DXF format .... I think I saw something on gEDA that can go to JSON ... Will look at it again at some later point. Thanks again, rudi
andyfierman 6 years ago
You can import DXF into EasyEDA.
luudee 6 years ago
Yes Andy I know, but it didn't seem to work with all DXF files UltrLibrabian created. Thanks, rudi
Micah Martin 5 years ago
@luudee I've experienced the same problem with UltraLibrarian DXF exports.  Have you found a solution? Micah
luudee 5 years ago
Sorry Micah, I haven't been on EasyEda for a while. Honestly, I do not remember what I did. I think for some components I just ended up creating my own foot prints, it was easier and less time-consuming ,,, luudee
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