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bypass capacitor integration
1108 6
angus_grant 4 years ago
Hi, I have been designing a PCB which includes an ESP32 module. I am now looking at integrating a bypass capacitor for the board. The board will be powered from a 7V input terminal which will pass to a 5V switch-mode voltage regulator. The output of the 5V regulator will be passed into a 5V plane. The ground of the regulator will pass into a GND plane. For the life of me I can't work out how to integrate a bypass capacitor without suffering from DRC errors. The problem is that I have my DC input on it's own nets, but when I wire them into the regulator with the GND and output pins tied into the 5V and GND nets, I get the DRC errors. I have yet to find any explanation of how to design the PCB inside easyeda to avoid these DRC errors. Can someone point me to a sample project which explains how to tie to different net's together, or how I should include a bypass capacitor which ties to a GND plane? I have the same problem with a de-coupling capacitor which I will apply to an ESP32 module, but I am fairly sure once I can include the bypass capacitor the same theory would apply to the de-coupling capacitor I have made the project public while getting support [https://easyeda\.com/angus\_grant/ESP32\_BCDeviceSupport]( This is my first full PDB design, and I had problems understanding how to design the schematic correctly, so there is only a PCB design in my project. Feel free to provide any further feedback on other component design My board includes a 3rd party ESP32 development board, and includes the option for reading temps from PT100/PT1000 RTD or a DS18B20 one-wire temp probes. It will then feed out a 5V signal through a relay module to an external high-powered relay to control a chilling system. Thanks, Angus.
deskpro256 4 years ago
Your current schematic and PCB would help to understand your problem more. Have you started with a schematic first and PCB second? But are you sure the pins you are trying to connect are on the same net?              C1    5V^---**\-\|\|\-**\-\-\|GND Have you set up the DRC for your needs? If it helps, you can view my projects and see how I've done things?
angus_grant 4 years ago
I've included a link to my project in the first post. This is my first custom full PCB (I've designed a few shields for Arduino's etc) and I struggled to understand the schematic part of the design. Something I may have to revisit later, but for the moment I need to get the PCB designed and built for some clients. I have my board set up with a GND plane on top, and 5V plane underneath the board. I was under the impression that these had to be separate nets, and I couldn't have the 5V and GND in your above diagram on the same net.
deskpro256 4 years ago
I guess I didn't notice the link before. For your next project you'll have to start by creating the schematic first and the the PCB, because that makes it all easier and ratsnest helps you connect everything together. I noticed that the nets are named automatically when you start routing them. $12321 something. To have a capacitor or anything else connecting without DRC errors, click on the 2 pads you want to have the same net, in the right side properties page, find the part where it says "Net" and name it like you want, example: Relay, then route your track from one pad to the other. In the images below, you can see the nets on some of your traces are the same name, that's why they don't have errors. On the first image, I renamed the right-side GND pin net's to GND and a ratsnest wire appeared to a different GND pad. If I rebuild the copper area, the wire disappears and the pads are connected electrically. ![Annotation 2020-01-02 161037.jpg](// ![Annotation 2020-01-02 160243.jpg](//
angus_grant 4 years ago
I think I have the bypass capacitor working now. ![image.png](// My next problem is the decoupling capacitor on the power input for the ESP 32 development board. To my way of thinking I would need to feed the 5V and GND in directly to the board from the capacitor and not draw it from the 5V and GND planes (as it is currently configured). Otherwise it would avoid the 0.1μF capacitor (I will replace the pads with the correct capacitor component in due course) Correct?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@angus_grant, As suggested by deskpro256, to avoid these types of issues for future projects you are best to start off with a properly constructed Schematic and then convert that to a PCB. The Design Flow chart in (2) and in particular the notes in (2.2) in the link below will help you to get the best out of EasyEDA: [](
angus_grant 4 years ago
Thanks for the help HelpDeskPro. I ended up deleting the 5V plane, and just running my "5V" net everywhere required. The 5V plane seemed a much neater solution, but I couldn't get the capacitors integrated. I also renamed all the random net's to sensible names. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll mark my project back to being private now. Thanks again for your guidance and help. Angus.
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