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redsunwit 5 years ago
hello, I design a piece of circuit in the following first image in easyeda for simulation. the purpose is that i just want to get 72Khz signals from power line (AC power with 220-110v 60hz) but when i simulate is with AC analysis , i get the following second image. so sad, ....  actually, i want to get the following third image. hope some one can help me. i am a freshman to do this. ![Screenshot from 2019-05-29 23-09-02.png](// ![Screenshot from 2019-05-29 23-14-08.png](// ![Screenshot from 2019-05-29 23-14-26.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Some of the plotting in WaveForm is not very good and needs to be improved but although the results that you get in EasyEDA for your coupler circuit: ![image.png](// are not well plotted: ![image.png](// but they are basically the same as in LTspice: ![image.png](// Even if you plot the magnitude linearly: ![image.png](//
redsunwit 5 years ago
Thanks a lot. i have a following question. how can i get the following result, which is from the internet. (AC Power is 220-110v, 50-60Hz. how can the following circuit  just show us frequency around 72khz?) ![Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 13.39.28.png](//
redsunwit 5 years ago
hi all, i have figured it out. thanks a lot .
andyfierman 5 years ago
@redsunwit, Where on the internet? Please post the link to it. I have already demonstrated that the Bode plot you have posted is not for the circuit you have posted. Where does the 11.5kV come from? How is the voltage source set up?
redsunwit 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hello, thanks for continuing discussing and concerning. the link is as follows. I am sorry that I am a freshman about PCB design. after i try to add a transformer to the above circuit and simulate it in ltspice. i get the expected result (only 27khz signal is allowed). [](
redsunwit 5 years ago
@andyfierman I use ltspice  to simulate the coupler in above website. and the result is as follows. when i use transformer with 1.4m, 1.4m for each inductor of transformer. the circuit can just allow 13khz rather than 27khz. ![Screenshot from 2019-05-31 15-29-47.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
@redsunwit, With all due respect, sorry but these are questions for the author of the web pages: [](
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