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cant move a node of copper area shape
640 5
jozles 5 years ago
Hi I made a copper area on my pcb. Now I want to reduce it. I cant capture one edge node with left click : It's making a new line but the node doesnt move like a middle segment point. I've carefully checked with high scale ... only one node. Thx for help
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you post some screenshots or an animated gif to illustrate the behaviour?
jozles 5 years ago
I absolutely dont know how to do gif...  ![2018-12-04.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can't really understand the issue for one screehshot. But... Green dots are vertices (corners). Drag Blue dots to add another vertex. Double click on a dot to delete it. To find software to do animated gifs, just google "open source animated gif". For example []( Or, install something that allows you to creae video screencapture for free then upload the video to one of the free online video to animated gif converter sites such as [](
jozles 5 years ago
lower rignt node does not move when I left click on it. That's all... I just want to move it to make the angle 90°... I can move the other nodes of the shape. I can make right click and "delete node" box comes. I've deleted about 20 times on that node without effect.
jozles 5 years ago
I'm a noob... I closed all and re-open ... it's ok sorry for  trouble.
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