You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
connect pad to pad is stuck and won't let me use track tool
1089 2
ilgaar 4 years ago
I mistakenly clicked on the connect pad to pad instead of the Track tool, and now my PCB layout is grayed out and I can't use the Track tool anymore. How do I fix this?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it to work out what might have gone wrong. You have not posted any screenshots. So.... Guessing: If your project is a large PCB that has been created directly in the PCB editor without being generated from a schematic first then it may be that the connect pad to pad tool is working it's way through all your net names trying to work out which pads are connected to each other. If so the process should clear itself. If you have saved it recently then you could try F5 to reload the browser page or try save, close and reopen.
ilgaar 4 years ago
OK, tried your suggestion, and the problem was resolved. I quited to Deskto and restated EasyEDA, and tried F5, and problem was solved. For some odd reason the selected layer was stuck in Ratlines, and did not change. Reloding with F5 seems to solve this. Thanks a lot for the help.
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