connections between pins on a component are destroyed when connected to another component
When two pins of a pin-header are connected in the schematic, this works. but when one of these pins is connected to a pin on a different component, then the original connection is deleted!
If the connection to a different component is made first, then one attempts to join the two header pins, the connection fails. This is very frustrating!
One might want to do this to replicate a signal to several pins on a header.
Sometimes the connection between the two pins of the header can be maintained by using a multi-angled connection, but moving the line segments to create a point-to-point connection makes it fail.
Strangely, these connections can be made on the PCB board (this should not work as you might make an incorrect connection!). However, I see no way to back-feed this join into the schematic! from the PCB!
This seems to happen for most components, and prevents the user connecting pins as they wish!
it may be worse for components where the the pin connections do not align 1:1 with the schematic grid. but I have not fully tested this
To recreate the issue....
As an example place 2 each PHD-2*8AW from the JLCPCP Assembled component library into a schematic
Place CN1 to the left of CN2
Connect CN1 Pin1 => CN1 Pin2 This works
Connect CN2 Pin1 => CN2 Pin2 This works
Connect CN1 Pin2 => CN2 Pin1 This breaks the connection CN1 Pin1 => CN1 Pin2
continuing, now try
Connect CN1 Pin1 => CN1 Pin2 Connection not made
Connect CN1 Pin2 => CN2 Pin2 This works (but probably should not since there is already a connection CN1 Pin2 => CN2 Pin2 via CN1 Pin2 => CN2 Pin1 And CN2 Pin1 => CN2 Pin2
Connect CN1 Pin1 => CN2 Pin2 This works
We now have CN1 Pin1 => CN1 Pin2 => CN2 Pin1 => CN2 Pin2 ! When the PCB rats nest is inspected, it is as it should be.
Please advise if there is a workaround.
Kind regards