You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
copper area
327 5
naitul khan 3 years ago
I am facing a problem regarding the copper area, when selecting the copper area, the final print is not showing the copper area. this problem is being recently expearanced
andyfierman 3 years ago
"...the final print is not showing the copper area. " Please clarify. Print to paper? Print to pdf? Please post some screenshots to illustrate your issue.
MrToM 3 years ago
If you mean not visible in the PCB view then try these four options... _ 1\. Click the canvas\, \(a blank area in the workspace\)\, and make sure 'Copper Zone' is set to 'Visible'\. \(Right hand panel\) 2\. With the copper area selected\, click 'Rebuild Copper Area' button\. \(Right hand panel\) 3\. If you have a particularly small board try setting 'Keep Island' to 'Yes' 4\. If those fail then check that the board outline is completely closed and try the above again\. _ Regards.
naitul khan 3 years ago
@mrtom528 thankyou the problem is solved with selecting the island to yes
MrToM 3 years ago
@anayat100, You're welcome. _ Regards.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@anayat100, That means that you have some copper that is not electrically connected to the net to which the copper area has been  assigned. In other words at least some of the copper area is floating which is not usually a good idea.
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