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copper area flows over board outline.
1809 5
rodyne 10 years ago
**BUG** Copper area flows over board outline (cut-out area) Steps to reproduce bug: Open Project look at bottom copper layer Browser: google chrome
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, This is not bug. You should use **Solid Regin** to cut-out area. set the type to NPTH, this is a really hole. When using a board outline to cut-out, the copper area can't be solved right, but when we make the PCB, we will cut these folow over copper area.
rodyne 10 years ago
Thank you Dillon My Mistake, I should have read your last post properly. I set a filled area where the slot is to NPTH as suggested and it seems ok Do I need to remove the polygon I created for the slot on the board-outline layer or will it cause a problem for manufacture ? I need to wait a few weeks until the enclosure and membrane keyboard are manufactured to get exact dimensions then I will submit the PCB to you for manufacture :-)
dillon 10 years ago
>Do I need to remove the polygon I created for the slot on the board-outline layer or will it cause a problem for manufacture ? You can't remove the polygon, but you would better to remove the inner board outline which you create for a hole. If you create a solid regin and set it to NPTH, when you create the gerber files, we will create the board outline auto, so your small rect board outline is useless. You can check the gerber files when you remove the inner board outline. I hope you can upload some image with your open products later
rodyne 10 years ago
Hi dillon I removed the inner board outline as suggested and checked board in gerber viewer, all looks good. I had the enclosure CAD files back today so I will adjust the dimensions and submit the board to be made into a PCB in the next few days, this will be a good test it all works. I think I am still a revision away from a finished product but once everything is working I will write up the project properly with all the code and include lots of pictures. Thank you for making a great system. :-)
dillon 10 years ago
>Thank you for making a great system. :-) Thanks for U to trust the new system. :)
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