You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
display the omega symbol
2101 1
gregvp 10 years ago
example 10 years ago
Hi gregvp, At present there is no dedicated hotkey or combination of keystrokes in EasyEDA that will enter an Omega symbol. There is no direct way to enter an Omega symbol from the keybopard in Windows but if you use a Mac then I think this combination of keystrokes will enter do it: >`alt + z` There are ways to configure the keyboard in Linux to do the same thing: Alternatively, in any word processor (and many simple text editors) you can place an Omega symbol into a dummy document using the 'special character' option: >Ω then just copy and paste it into your schematic as required. Note that for educational use, placing an Ω symbol to denote Ohms may be very helpful but in general electronics engineering schematics, the suffixes of components such as Ω, F and H are usually omitted. In some situations, the Ω symbol may be replaced by a W character as a result of incorrect font substitution. For more about suffixes when using the EasyEDA simulation tools, please see:
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