You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
(double) < breaks formatting
315 7
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
When I try adding the following to the description of a project it breaks the rendering of everything after \`cat\` ```` ``` cat
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
Right, the forum preview did render it correctly, but not after posting. ![image.png](// this breaks formatting.
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
It seems to even break storage on the forum, editing the post and everything after the, uhm, magic brackets, is gone.
andyfierman 4 years ago
I can confirm that in the Project Description, using Inline code or Code blocks does not prevent the double left arrows being incorrectly parsed.
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
Seems to be partially rooted in allowing html tags for formatting, but html formatting shouldn't occur in code blocks without allowing escaping it, which partly renders code blocks moot. A single < seems to work. **\** seems to be allowed
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
lol, no, the preview in the editor and what is posted does not correlate.
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
anyways, rewrote to use \`\`\` echo -e "\nreset halt\n" \ "nrf5 mass_erase\n" \ "flash write_image /home/pi/zephyr.hex\n" \ "verify_image /home/pi/zephyr.hex\n" \ "reset init\n" \ "reset run\n" \ "shutdown\n" \| netcat raspberrypi 4444 \| grep \-a verified \|\| echo failed \`\`\` instead of cat \
UserSupport 4 years ago
Got it, we will take a look Thank you
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