You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
draw an arbitrary rectangle
1741 8
M-16 7 years ago
Hello. Please tell me how to draw an arbitrary rectangle in the silk layer? I drew a continuous region with cutout and appointed him for the silk layer. He looks great. But in the preview it is not. What am I doing wrong? Please look screenshot. Thank you. ![PCB Layout and preview][1] [1]: /editor/20180201/5a73361647f83.jpg
andyfierman 7 years ago
Select the silkscreen layer. Select the trace drawing tool on the PCB Tool's palette. Draw your rectangle.
M-16 7 years ago
It's works. Thank you very much!!!
Bob Lewis 5 years ago
@andyfierman there is no "trace" tool in the PCB tools palette (version 6.2.38 2019/08/20)!!! Tried "rect" tool - cross hairs appear but square not drawn!!
Bob Lewis 5 years ago
@andyfierman This ONLY works (picking rect tool) on the top silk, but NOT the bottom silk layer.
andyfierman 5 years ago
[]( ![image.png](// ![rect_drawing.gif](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
@bobs.spamfilter please check above Andy said
Bob Lewis 5 years ago
@UserSupport Thanks Andy. I realised what I was doing wrong later. It was my first ever use of Easy EDA and I hadn't noticed that I had inadvertently turned OFF the view for the top layer and the bottom silk layer and was thrown by trying to find the "trace" tool and never thought about a small typo - trace to track - despite years of engineering coal face work following PCB "traces" ... DOH! Struggled through however and more or less completed the board I wanted to make. A bit more practice and I might even get competent! LOL BIG change from when I used to design boards back in the 70's using 2x and 4x scale Chartpak pads and tapes! Still have a couple of original drawings floating around somewhere and several positives and negatives of others after photography and development!
andyfierman 5 years ago
@bobs.spamfilter, Autocorrupt has a lot to answer for. Or I probably just forgot the tool name. :) Have you explored (2) in: []( ? My first PCBs were done using Chartpak and draughting film or, for the rough ones, Dalo Pen. :)
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