If I go to place a component and I search LCSC for it, I may or may not find what I want ... and the search options are very limited. If I go to lcsc.com and search, I can find components and then copy the LCSC part number into the easyEDA/LCSC popup component window. Is this really necessary?
While we are talking about it, user-contributed symbols and footprints vary wildly in quality and consistency. It would be great if users could vote on contributions, the way you do at FaceBook or Reddit, on both the symbol and footprint. Seeing how many votes eash got would help users select any contriobutions worth using. Of course there's a complication where people create a schematic but never convert it into a PCB. Or people layout a PCB without creating a schematic for it. Perhaps giving people an increasing number of votes as they create more schematics & PCBS, more votes if they make them publicly available. The PerlMonks Perl Programming website works that way.
While we are at it, the LCSC footprint for a 100nF ceramic through-hole cap is far larger than the actual component. This makes it harder to lay out a crowded board. But you get that from someone else, I suppose there isn't much you can do there.