<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(32, 33, 36);">is it possible for me to export my 3d pcb, with the components, to use in a cad program, to get fittings and mounting positions?</span>
Yes, I've just do it. Be sure to have the latest version of EasyEDA.
You can export _obj_ file and import it your favorite cad (Fusion 360 worked). However, it had tried to import it in Cura and the file seems corrupted...
The procedure is very simple, just look at this screenshot. Note that the PCB project is visible in the window of EasyEDA (and not the schematic)

I have V6.4.7, build 19 Sep 2020, but I have no such option for 3D exporting in the file menu.
I just checked in the download center - no new version there.
How did you get the 6.4.14?
I need the 3D model badly, will improve my life.
Thanks. I use openScad for 3D design, which can't import the easyeda 3D out file, so the 3D output is not usable for me.
Yet I could export to XDF, which gave me a 2D output which I could use. Thanks!
I was able to export my design to .OBJ with the latest version of EasyEda. But the .OBJ format is of little use in engineering, since it cannot be edited with CAD programs. I use SolidWorks. I was able to open the file, but it opens with too large a scale and I Can not change it.. The proper format that EasyEDA should generate is .IGS or .STP. But this is a breakthrough. Thanks!
I agree with Picuar's opinion. I used the Autodesk inventor and had the same experience as you. The obj files cannot be edited in a 3D editing software; its not actually useful. EasyEDA is a very good program, but its difficult to place and measure parts with accurate dimensions. So this makes the design of the hardware connected to the board difficult.
Yes, I love using EasyEda. But we need 3D output as a STEP file for our engineering work. Object file is no use as it does not contain any dimensions, and cannot edit.
OBJ is not working for me.
When trying to import an OBJ file from EASYEDA, my 3d cad program says:
Not sure what this means, except that I cannot import.
I was able to open the OBJ file in FreeCAD, then export as STL from there. When opeing into solidworks, choose the stl file type in the open dialog and then options to import as solid body or surfaces. I'm still waiting for it to parse the file, but maybe will work??
@rechena I'm now opening the .obj in Blender (free d/l) and doing a bunch of mesh cleanup and decimation operations. Then export .stl from Blender and open in Solidwords as a surface. I can then incorporate this into a regular solidword assembly or part and align to it. Dimensions are all messed up still, but I think that can be corrected by scaling in Blender when I have another go at it.
@userSupport I am exporting the PCB design but the generated obj is wrong. I can see the components but the PCB looks like a 1mm triangle.. it looks like is not processing well the PCB itself.
I tried from cloud and app with the same result. Is there a magic button to solve this?
@casale.candoit This is the result:

IMHO, the wrong model parts. Replace most of the parts and board errors go away

I Exported 3d OBJ from easyeda and imported in to fusion 360 successfully but there is two issue
1\. the scale was not right\, because the export 3d obj in EASYEDA uses mil as measuring unit \[ no setting in export to select the measuring unit for export \] this was fixed by scaling the imported object in Fusion by scale \.254
2\. the exported OBJ model board thickness is fixed to to some some value aroun 90 mil \[2\.3 mm\] \, no settings can set the board thickness \(only in 3d viewer with no impact on export\]\!\!
if EASYEDA managed to add both setting to export 3d OBJ feature we would be so grateful and the feature going so be super usable.
to demo the it you can see above after import and correct scale the 3d obj matchs the DXF skitch
@ahmed.ibrahim0o That looks amazing. This is exactly what I'm trying to do. Can you share how you imported your PCB step by step from EasyEda to fusion 360?
IMO this is not going to be a usable feature unless STEP export is integrated. The exported OBJ files are not usable. No holes, no components, and since everything is a surface it would require rework in another software to get usable dimensions off of.

Exported OBJ in Inventor:

Inventor Design from scratch (the way we do it now):

I have used EasyEDA and JCLPCB extensively for years, both for work and privately, and its a great system for making schematics, PCBs and spin the design in 3D, which usually reveals issues you would not have discovered in just PCB layout views. I agree that the feature of exporting the 3D PCB to FreeCAD for example would be great and really make EasyEDA powerful.
This has been talked about for a while and KiCAD has done it for a while. What woudl it take to make EasyEDA implement this? It sounds like most of it is already there, you just need to add the STEP export (WITH COLORS).
What I do in the meantime is that I create my enclosures in FreeCAD and then create a "fake" component in EasyEDA, which usually is just one round small pad (footprint) with a 3D model of my enclosure. This works but is very cumbersome. If you look at teh snappy way you can do it in KiCAD and FreeCAD you really whcih EasyEDA would step it up.
I am sure you are tied of everyone asking but I really dont see an answer? I wish for Yes or No answer so we know if we can stay or need to move on to KiCAD (Which I really dont want as EasyEDA is superior in my opinion).

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