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ground plane issue
682 5
studiomollan 6 years ago
Hi i have an issue where the copper area wont fill up the entire board, only when i have it across up to about 70% or so. Over that and it disappears. Heres the PCB: Ive had no problem with all my other boards only this one. Very strange. / Emil
andyfierman 6 years ago
I cannot reproduce this with your project. If I increase the GND copper area on the top layer to cover the whole board, it works OK in both Chromium Version 63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) Built on Ubuntu , running on LinuxMint 18.3 (64-bit) and Firefox 57.0.3 (64-bit). What browser are you using?
studiomollan 6 years ago
Hi, tnaks for getting back, i just verified im using the latest version of chrome. Im on OSX 10.12.6. I also restarted chrome but no effect. Ill try rebooting the computer.
studiomollan 6 years ago
back from reboot and still not working. ive tried pasting the whole pcb into a new one but no result. If i make a new pcb the copper area works fine. if i remove everything from the excisting pcb it still doesnt work. very strange..
studiomollan 6 years ago
just tested safari and seems to work fine! ill get firefox now and see how that works
studiomollan 6 years ago
Firefox works too. Seems to be a chrome issue on my computer
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