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hightlight all the track including vias
3124 20
Chriss 8 years ago
Hi, I would like to know how to hightlight all the track including tracks that are crossed by vias, is it possible? thanks a lot.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Chriss, Click on a net to highlight a segment. Then press the `H` Hotkey to highlight the whole net on all layers including any vias and copper areas that are connected to it. Note however, that this does not usually highlight any pads to which the net is connected. :)
Chriss 8 years ago
Thank you very much!! Andy.
trolsoft 8 years ago
Hi, and is there any way to highlight unrouted connections with vias?
andyfierman 8 years ago
There is. In the example below, the VBUS net is partly routed and includes a track to a via on the right hand end of C3. Go to the right hand panel and click on the tab at the top of the panel that says **Design Manager**. That will then toggle to say **Properties** and the panel will show you the Design Manager. Scroll down to **Nets** and note that the entry for VBUS has a white cross on a red background next to it. This tells you it is incompletely routed. The little green tick next to it is to show/hide the net. Click on the entry for VBUS. That will highlight all the routed parts of the net (note however that it will not highlight the ratline). ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160322/56f129ec8a24a.png
trolsoft 8 years ago
Thanks Andy. But unfortunately, it does not work for unrouted connections and vias. I want to migrate from Eagle CAD to EasyEDA. I have prepared a circuit and want to make PCB. And the first step - to place components optimal way, with minimal intersections. In Eagle I can highlight any net with all connections (routed and unrouted) and all vias. Now I really miss this feature.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Sorry but I'm missing something here. My example is for a net that has some routing, some unrouted and has a via that is routed to one pad but not thhe rest of the net. The routed parts and the via are highlighted on the PCB. The fact that the whole net is incompletely routed is marked in the Design Manager window by the white cross on the red background. If you scroll down to the Net Pins section (in the bottom section of the Design Manager window) then you can click on those and see all the pads and pins that are on that net. Even if the via is not tracked, as shown below, as long as it has been assigned to that net: ![enter image description here][1] then it will highlight: ![enter image description here][2] Would you prefer to see the *ratlines* highlighted too? [1]: /editor/20160323/56f17aab841bc.png [2]: /editor/20160323/56f17a2f635cb.png
trolsoft 8 years ago
Yes, I would like to see all lines in the net - routed, unrouted and vias.! In the same way, as does EagleCAD when I click on any circuit element: [from Eagle CAD][1] [1]:
trolsoft 8 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160323/56f291d0174da.png
dillon 8 years ago
Hi, "ratlines highlighted" is possible, add it to our TODO list. Thanks.
trolsoft 8 years ago
Thanks. I think that with this feature EasyEDA completely kill EagleCAD. At least for me :)
dillon 8 years ago
@Trolsoft this function will be ready at next version. Thanks.
eric 8 years ago
"Hightlight Net" included PADs and Ratlines since version 3.4.2
dillon 8 years ago
@Trolsoft, now EasyEDA can highlight VIA TRACK PAD and ratline, thanks for you to suggest such a good feature. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160406/5704f80694aad.png
trolsoft 8 years ago
That's great! But can I activate this feature? I'm trying to click on VIA track pad but see no changes.. Version 3.4.2
support 8 years ago
@Trolsoft You need to select the net at design manager or select a track/via/pad, then press`H` key.
trolsoft 8 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Aivan 4 years ago
Is this feature implemented?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@geocipher, You are resurrecting a 4 year old topic. I would suggest that you read: []( and then play with the software to get familiar with it.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@geocipher Hotkey H
Aivan 4 years ago
@UserSupport @andyfierman Thank you!
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