I have designed a very simple circuit containing two 74hc595 shift registers (daisy chained together) which drive 16 LED’s each via a current limit resistor.
I updated the PCB from schematic and then drew out the layout for the first shift register and it’s surrounding components. Then I wanted to copy that layout (exactly) for the second shift register. I decided to delete the second shift register and it’s components and simply copy and paste the first so as to get the layout exactly.
At a glance this appeared to work as the prefixes of all of the second batch of components had changed... so U1 pasted as U2 and R1 to R8 pasted as R9 to R16 etc. but when I zoom in closely and look at the pins I can see that the nets are still labelled the same as the first batch of components.
Obviously I can click on each individual pin and manually change the net names but if if I wanted to copy a large number of components this method would prove to be very tedious.
Is there specific method for copying sections of component layout? It would be really handy to know. Many thanks