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how to drill halfway (or specific depth) instead of all the way through?
363 3
fujtech 1 year ago
Is there a way to NOT drill this hole all the way through, maybe just halfway or to specify how deep? Making this through hole is a waste of pcb space on the other side... maybe a feature worth looking at and added in the future? ![HalfwayDrill-.jpg](// ![HalfwayDrill.jpg](//
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hi This is possible on PADS, Altium and similar softwares. However, buried or half drilled vias/holes seems not being able to produce on EasyEDA. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 1 year ago
JLCPCB  also do not support blind or buried structures: "Currently we don't support Blind/Buried Vias, only make through holes." [](
MikeDB 1 year ago
Adding buried vias, as what you are describing are called, limits you to far fewer PCB houses, and the prices can be eye-watering.  Best to find another way of doing what you are after.
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