You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
how do I group items
11003 1
RDBilbrey 10 years ago
example 10 years ago
Hi RDBilbrey, Welcome to EasyEDA. The **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** button is on the Wiring Tools floating pallete. It does not work like the simple Group/Ungroup you may have used when doing drawings in LibreOffice or MS Office. In EasyEDA **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** is used to allow you to quickly group together a set of drawing objects: lines, shapes and pins (placed by the **P **hotkey or via **Super Menu > Place > Pin**) to make a schematic symbol (or a PCB footprint in the PCB editor canvas). The way it works is you draw your symbol including the pins and then select all the objects comprising the new symbol and then click the **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** button on the Wiring Tools floating pallete. This opens a dialogue box: [] which you can just click OK in if you just want to make a symbol that is local to that schematic (or fill in the fields to add it to a library). The **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** function can also be used to Ungroup or in effect dismantle an existing symbol so that you can edit it to make a new one. For example if you wanted to add a circle round a MOSFET symbol you can place an existing MOSFET symbol on the canvas, select it, click **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** to Ungroup the symbol back into it's constituent elements, add the circle then select the whole of the objects comprising this modified symbol and click **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** again to Group it. What you cannot do with it is to select more than one symbol to Group them together to form a new symbol or to Ungroup them all in one step. You must Ungroup each symbol one at a time and then select all of them and Group them. There is some help on this function here: [] If you just want to select several items at once to copy and paste them or drag them then you can use the left-click-and-drag to create a selection box as described in sections 1 - 4 here: [] []: []: []:
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