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how do i loop a wire
1550 1
samcikah 10 years ago
example 10 years ago
I'm not clear about what you mean. Are you trying to draw a loop in a schematic or on a PCB? Do you mean how do you draw a wire representing a loop of wire like in a loudspeaker voice coil? Are you asking about how to draw wto wires that cross each other but do not join? Does this help? [] **How to draw a wire loop in a schematic.** Press the W key to start wiring mode. Draw wire horizontally then draw vertically to draw a right angle. Then left click once to draw the next right angle section. Left click once to add as many more right angle sections as required then right click once to end the wire. Right click twice to end wiring mode. To draw a wire loop in a PCB trace is similar but you can draw it free hand or with angled corners. Of course to get the wire into or out of the centre of the spiral you need to use a via to change layers otherwise the copper trace will just short across the loop. :) []:
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