i didnt find an efficient way to rename a NET.
if i want to do so, i have to go to every individual components on that net and rename it.
is there a faster way to do so in the PCB view ?
Hi Wowi,
Welcome to EasyEDA.
#### To name a net:
Press the 'N' key.
A dummy 'netlabel?' will appear at the cursor.
Click on the net you wish to label.
The dummy name be attached to the net and will change to 'netlabel1'.
If this is the first net you place: the number suffix of subsequent nets will increment from there.
A net label applied anywhere on a net applies the name of that label to the whole of that net.
#### To change a net name:
Double click on a netlabel, edit the text in the text box that opens then click back on the schematic.
The net name is now changed to what you edited the text box to.
Subsequent net labels will now have this new name. If the new name has a number suffix then subsequent net labels will have this new name with an incrementing number suffix
* **Please note:**
hi andy,
the N key only works in schematic, but i am changing my pcb - i know it is not the ideal way to go :)
anyway, thank you for the useful links, i am new to pcb design and still have plenty to learn
thx and regards,
If you are renaming nets in a PCB which is being created without a shematic then you may be able to reduce the amount of work somewhat by using the H key to highlight the whole net.
I am not certain that this will work because I have never built a PCB without starting from a schematic.
Another option is to copy the EasyEDA Source file into a text editor and use the Search and Replace tool to rename nets.
Then paste the edited text back into the EasyEDA Source file dialogue box in the PCB editor.
Best keep a backup copy just in case the editing goes awry.
I had the same problem, here is my workaround:
Add a piece of track somewhere close to the track/net you want to rename
Set a name for new track, in my case it was GND
Draw connection **from** new track (GND) **to** old one
Accept track merging
The whole new track will be renamed to GND
Remove the pece of track added..
Hello, I find a solution than work for me.
In schematic view, select Net Port in the little Wiring Tools windows.
You can put Net Port directly on the Wire of your circuit and, when you import changes in PCB view, NET is automatically update.
It is strange to me that you can see and set net names when you click on a trace on PCB, but not in Schematic. It should work the same. When I click on a schematic line, the netname should appear on right, and be editable, like in PCB. With SPICE this is important, to know net names everywhere.
In the schematic, net names can be changed from the default names (which are auto-assigned by the netlister at the time the schematic is first constructed) by attaching a net label.
The net names assigned to a Schematic are then passed into the PCB when the PCB is first created from that Schematic.
If the net names in the PCB are required to be changed then they must first be changed in the schematic and then the PCB updated using **Update PCB...** or **Import Changes...**.
Changing net names in the PCB without changing them in the schematic will break the PCB.
Cross Probing will fail.
Any subsequent **Update PCB...** or **Import Changes...** will overwrite any manual changes made in the PCB.
* For more about the use of net names in Simulation please see the Simulation Tutorial.
Please give an example to demonstrate your question.
Reading (2.2) in (2) in:
might help you.
@andyfierman I just fell into this trap.
I am working on a Nixie clock project and the nets between half of the displays and their driver ICs were named after the ICs instead of the Nixies.
I couldn't find a way to change the net names in the schematic editor so I fixed them in the PCB editor.
I then applied the design new rule to all of the Nixie nets. I also had to amend the IC pin names, etc. to make the rat lines disappear again.
After fixing all of the design rule issues, I wanted to update the PCB design with a handful of extra components that were in the schematic.
As we know, an update to the PCB also updates the nets in the PCB editor back to their original names. I could live with that but a check in the design rules shows that the new names are no longer associated with the extra design rule. If I didn't edit anything around those nets on the PCB then I guess that I would still be ok with design rule compliance but it would still not feel right being like that.
Is it really only possible to fix this by adding net labels into the schematic editor ? As a test, I added a net label but it looked more like pure text than it being associated with the net itself.
I'm not interested in running simulations. It wouldn't work with my project anyway.
I know now that I should have added the design rule before I did the track layout. I'll remember next time.
"the nets between half of the displays and their driver ICs were named after the ICs instead of the Nixies."
All the nets in your schematic except the VCC, GND, +180V, SDA and SCL are auto-assigned names.
In EasyEDA, the schematic is the master document.
So, if you want to add net names then it must be done in the schematic and then passed into the PCB using Update PCB or Import Changes.
This is called Forward Annotation.
Making changes to the PCB and then passing them back into the schematic is called Back Annotation.
EasyEDA does not currently support Back Annotation.
Changes made to the PCB that do not originate in the schematic (adding parts, changing connectivity (which is what happens when you change the netnames because they are then different between the schematic and the PCB)) will be overwritten on Update PCB or Import Changes.
Please see the Design Flow diagram in the Tutorial and read (2.2) in (2) in:
@andyfierman Thanks for the comprehensive reply.
I've made some mistakes during this project but I'll not make them again. It has been a good learning exercise.
Regardless, and I know that a professional could do better, I still think I'm going to receive some high quality PCBs from JLPCB that will make all the difference to my project.
If you add net labels to your schematic before you do Convert to PCB, that helps in identifying tracks on the PCB.
Be careful to keep names unique. A common mistake - which results in unintentional short circuits - is to copy and paste net labels and then to forget to edit some of them that have been pasted to nets which should have similar names but not the same names.
Try to not add different net names to the same net. For example adding a net label called "mynet1" and a Net Flag or Net Port with the same name is OK but having a net label called "mynet1" and a net flag or a net port called "mynet2" will generate a warning in the Schematic Design Manager and may result in the net in the PCB being called "mynet1" or "mynet2" depending on which net name in the schematic was added first.
Do not try to edit net names in the PCB. That can cause chaos. Change them in the schematic and then do Update PCB.
To change names of nets when designing a PCB without starting from schematic:
1\. On the left panel click "Design Manager"
2\. Open the "Nets" folder
3\. Click the reload/update folder if needed
4\. Click on a net name \(from inside the "Nets" folder\)
5\. On the right side of the window you will get an "Objects Attributes" panel
6\. Change the name of the net
7. Click the reload/update folder to see changes
Click the reload/update folder if needed
Click the reload/update folder if needed
My way (using web version, 2024)
Changing Net name from schematic:
1\. Select any Net Label/Net Flag/Net Port/Voltage Probe in the network you want to rename
2\. Right click and select "Find Similar Objects\.\.\."
3\. In the new window make sure to select the "Name" filter to "Same" and click "find"\. You can now close this popup window \(click on "Cancel"\)
4\. In the Objects Properties panel\, on the right of your screen\, set Name to whatever you want to rename
5. Click the reload/update folder if needed
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