You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
info about paid plan
841 5
mixkef 1 year ago
Hello, Following your advertisement of paid version of easy eda pro you advertise a series of improvements . Does that means that these are impelemented in paid version only ? Are these features already implelemented or will be in future releases  ?. Please specify and put them in the comparison list for pro-free vs pro-paid version. It's a bit confusing since the comparison list does not indicate these differences .
dillon 1 year ago
![image.png](// pro is much better and you can try it out. EasyEDA is free for all the core features on EDA functions .  Some e**nterprises** would like topay for the services.  So the paid version is online.  We think the paid version is something like donation.
mixkef 1 year ago
Hello, I'm working already with EASYEDA-PRO . My question is related to paid plan . FRom the desription i understood that paid plan does not provide any extra functionality. Why do you write then it is much better ?,You also write that paid version is online . I use only half-online mode .That means i can't use it ? . If program has extra features a demo period of the program is necessary .Unless it works exactly as easy-eda pro . No need then .
dillon 1 year ago
'So the paid version is online. '  This is mean we just provide the pay function.  not mean  paid version is online . I think you can use EasyEDA free in any way.  for PRO, there is no limit full offline version.
Calum22 1 year ago
@dillon With respect - I don't think your english means what you think it does here - this reply is extremely confusing.  Does EasyEDA not have someone with B2 level english skills who can help?  There are a lot of things which are lost in translation in the easyeda software too.
mixkef 1 year ago
@calum22161 , Thank's . I was beginning to think i'm having a mentality probelm .....
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