You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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savsat2000 5 years ago
Hi easyeda user I have a problem I would be very glad if you help. When drawing the PCB I would like to redraw a PCB circuit that I put in the background and I have previously drawn it with another program. When I put the picture in a very distorted picture looks I do not understand the paths I draw. how to fix this problem. It looks like the picture in the picture.![easyeda hata.jpg](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please see my latest reply to this thread: [](
savsat2000 5 years ago
Thank you very much
savsat2000 5 years ago
Thank you very much for your attention, but I didn't fix the image.
savsat2000 5 years ago
I need your help on this, can you help me?
andyfierman 5 years ago
@savsat2000, I understand that you want help on what you are asking about but you are asking the same question over and over again: "Is there a way to edit a imported image and use the tracks off the imported image and start from there?" This question has already been answered for you and many other users before you. Basically, the answer is no. You cannot import an image into EasyEDA and recreate a PCB from it. The reasons for this are explained in detail in my reply to: [](
savsat2000 5 years ago
I think I'm bothered in English I do not understand I am doing translation from google. Sorry again, good day
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please try again but ask your question in your native language. :)
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