You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
insert picture (image) to canvas to trace pcb's curve , symbols and outer cutout of enclosure
1846 1
kamal sonani 2 years ago
insert picture(jpeg, png not monochrome) with 2 options Top and bottom side with check box scroll to zoom in and zoom out with actual canvas slider for opacity (<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(128, 134, 139)">**transparency**</span>) <br> im trying with external addons but canvas not accepting outer element other than own page.
andyfierman 2 years ago
EasyEDA Std only supports displaying an imported image in solid monochrome with a 1 bit colour depth resolution (in other words it is black and white not colour or greyscale and transparency is not supported). Images can be imported and then moved onto the top and bottom copper, silkscreen or solder mask layers or the Document or Assembly layers. The simple **Import Image** tool is very crude and will produce a badly distorted image unless the source image is imported oversized and then scaled back down using the tool. The other option is to use Andrea's Berhofer's SVG Import extension. For more information see these topics: []( which links to: [](
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svg-battery svg-battery-wifi svg-books svg-more svg-paste svg-pencil svg-plant svg-ruler svg-share svg-user svg-logo-cn svg-double-arrow -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus-@1x -mockplus-

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