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keep Out
2746 10
reefhermit 8 years ago
Is there a way to specify an area on the PCB to prevent traces from laying down AND the ground layer? I suppose this would be an all inclusive "keep out". Thanks, Ken
dillon 8 years ago cut out maybe you need.
andyfierman 8 years ago
@Ken, If you draw a Solid Region either as a solid or as a cut out and then give it a net name such as `KEEPOUT1` then the Design Manager will flag up an error under the `DRC Errors` section if you try to route through it (don't forget to click Refresh). I am not sure what the real time DRC and the Autorouter will do with it. The important thing is that you must give the keepout area a unique netname. Without a net name, the DRC and Design Manager ignore it.
thomasx 8 years ago
Hello community, currently I have big Trouble to draw a circuit diagram. It is not possible to draw a connect-line between to Pins or Connection Points. I have no idea what is going wrong today. Yesterday it's working very good. Anybody in our community who has a idea, what's going wrong?? Many thanks in advance for your friendly Support. thomasx
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Thomas, Sorry to hear you're having problems. I am running the latest V3.7.2 and can not reproduce the connectivity issue you describe. It might be worth checking you grid settings and that you have Snap to grid turned on. If you still have trouble, could you share a small public example?
reefhermit 8 years ago
Andy The "keepout" I created with solid region disappears when I auto route (I did refresh and it shows as a net with no 'X' error). Ken
dillon 8 years ago
![enter image description here][1] I set up as a NPTH, cutout, all work, that zone no tracks after autorouter. [1]: /editor/20160723/5792dc2e8f961.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
And then delete the NPTH cutout after layout and before generating the Gerbers?
support 8 years ago
Oh, use NPTH is no good, we can use **cutout** no need to delete it before gerber. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160723/5793276984993.png
reefhermit 8 years ago
Works perfectly! Thanks, Ken
DJDevon3 5 years ago
Found this through an internet search.  This helped me a lot. Thanks! If you want AutoRouter to ignore tracing an area then create a Solid Region with the type Cutout.  Not sure if giving it a unique name of KeepOut makes a difference, I did it anyway. Traces ignore the rectangle tool because it does not have the type option. You must use the Solid Region tool.  It was fun watching the AutoRouter ignore the area I specified.  Very cool! It will still try to add blue traces using vias to route across the bottom layer, so the area to be ignored is per layer.  For top layer SMD mounting this is perfectly acceptable for 99% of uses. I imagine if you really need it to ignore tracing on the bottom layer with vias then just add the same Solid Region to the bottom layer or whatever layer you want it to ignore.  There is no option to have a Solid Region apply to multiple layers.  It's one layer at a time. You draw it and then specify the layer. ![SolidRegionTool.jpg](//
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