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labeling and art
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billy jack newman 1 year ago
so im totally new to making pcb, i have struggled the last few days trying to layout my circuit. one i couldnt find the proper esp8266 that i use. im trying to make a board that i can just drop the esp into. drop an ads1115 into , and have terminal blocks connected to spots for ease of adding my external devices to the control board. ie. 1-wire temp sensors, presssure transducers, channel relay's .... i think i have it figured out. but how do ensure the size is correct for my specific esp, and how do i add art and discriptions of each hole being placed on the board.?
andyfierman 1 year ago
Welcome to EasyEDA. Your project is private so only you can see it. As a newcomer to PCB design, it will help you to read and follow the links to further documents in: [](<br> <br> In particular, please study the EasyEDA  Design flow in the main Tutorial (1), in Welcome to EasyEDA (2) in the above link and How to Design PCBs (2.2) in (2) in the above link, including the section on PCB design notes and Appendix A.
billy jack newman 1 year ago
@andyfierman I think i may finally figured it out. its a shame there there isnt a deffinet answer on the esp8266's but i found one that was right for schematic and then i found one that was correct pad size for a pcb part. I had to link the pins to the pads. I have figured out how to add art to the pcb board also. however, all the pins on the parts in schematic have labels to what they are ie, G, GND,3v3,.... and so on. how do i get those labels printed on the pcb boards as well.?
andyfierman 1 year ago
You can either manually add the text in the silkscreen layer directly in the PCB Editor or in the silkscreen layer of the Footprint in the Footprint Editor and then update the Footprint in the PCB from the library.
billy jack newman 1 year ago
@andyfierman ok ill try that. how do  i print the board out on paper so i can check things there to double verify it will be spaced correctly
andyfierman 1 year ago
billy jack newman 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thanks Andy !
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