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library search doesn't work well
974 2
mchahn 4 years ago
When I type in FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0 I get over a thousand results\, mostly parts that do not have FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0 in the name\.  It is impossible for me to find the part even though I have the exact package name\.  This makes it pretty much useless\. I also put in the example from help which was "1kohm 0603".  The example result only shows 1k resistors of size 0603 but the results I got included a zillion 0603 parts that aren't even resistors.  In general if I put in two words it shows all results the have either of the words.  This is not very useful.  I obviously only want parts that have both words. I am trying to edit a package already in my schematic.  I assume the only way I can edit the package is to bring it up in the library and then double-click on the package picture.  Is this correct?  If so then I have no way to edit the package since I can't find the part.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello Please not that generic words like "fuse, cap, Ohm etc.." will bring much more results while searching the part. regarding your example a 1KOhm resistor or 100MOhm resistor will be looking the same as long as they have the same package 0603 so it will be better if you search for "resistor 0603" About updating the package, just search for the component and click on its footprint package as it shows this picture : ![package.JPG](// After clicking it you can update the package and save it to your library to use it in your schematic as it shows the following picture : ![Package1.JPG](//
mchahn 4 years ago
You didn't address my complaint about what happens when you put in two words.  It gives many results with only one of the words.  And the results with both words are not at the top. You also didn't comment on why I can't search for FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0 which should show direct matches instead of more than a thousand non\-matches\.  Try searching for FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0\.
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