When I type in FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0 I get over a thousand results\, mostly parts that do not have FUSE\-TH\_L22\.6\-W9\.0 in the name\. It is impossible for me to find the part even though I have the exact package name\. This makes it pretty much useless\.
I also put in the example from help which was "1kohm 0603". The example result only shows 1k resistors of size 0603 but the results I got included a zillion 0603 parts that aren't even resistors. In general if I put in two words it shows all results the have either of the words. This is not very useful. I obviously only want parts that have both words.
I am trying to edit a package already in my schematic. I assume the only way I can edit the package is to bring it up in the library and then double-click on the package picture. Is this correct? If so then I have no way to edit the package since I can't find the part.