You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
merging schematics
2053 6
RDBilbrey 10 years ago
RDBilbrey 10 years ago
How can I copy and paste between different schematics? Can I merge schematics?
dillon 10 years ago
You Can. `Ctrl+C` in schematic A open schematic B, then press `Ctrl+Shift+V` to paste. please check the hot key help file in
andyfierman 10 years ago
There is no way to simply merge schematics onto one sheet but if you have consistent net names in each sheet then two schematics saved with different names into the same Project folder will be connected. Be careful though to ensure there are no duplicate part numbers or you will get errors if you try to pass them into PCB or run a simulation using: >**Simulate... > Run the Project** There *is* a way to copy and paste one schematic (or a part of it) into another. Please see the comments in this thread:
RDBilbrey 10 years ago
Thank you! Ctrl+Shift+V worked. I had been trying Ctrl+V only.
fkuntze 8 years ago
Ctrl+Shift+V works great! It has saved me a lot of time. Perhaps at some point in the future, it might be a nice touch to enable the cut/paste buttons so it is clear to the user cut and paste between schematics is possible. Not a critical thing but it makes the interface more 'readable'. You'll end up using the hot keys anyway... :)
dillon 8 years ago
@Fkuntze CTRL+V works now, you can try it.
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