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net properties
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stymop 6 years ago
Hello, I am looking for a net configuration function, I use on others electronic design softwares: It is the "net properties", where we can add easyly some properties to a signal ("VCC" for example) like the size, of the minimum insulation distance with others signals. Do this function exists in EasyEDA ? NB : I put this question in PCB Layout topic, but it should be in schematic, because generally this choice is done in the schematic. Or, maybe in Feature request...
andyfierman 6 years ago
Hi stymop, Welcome to EasyEDA. This functionality (what Kicad calls net classes) does not yet exist in EasyEDA but it is on the roadmap. Please +1 this post: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/Net\_Classes\_like\_in\_Kicad\_\-GEysK2Vdv](
stymop 6 years ago
@andyfierman I did not found the "+1", but I added a comment.
UserSupport 6 years ago
we are developing the new DRC setting. net class(DRC rule) will be supported. but no minimum, only one value. thanks
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