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newbie needs help getting zener value
947 5
mchahn 4 years ago
I tried every single zener model in the spice library for search word "zener".  There were copies of the lib 10V zener and a few other that worked (most were missing subckts etc.).  I was surprised that virtually none of the models listed told the voltage in the name or description.  Hence having to try them all. I need a ~6V zener so I figured I had to add in a model.  I found a good-looking list of models that included my preferred zener.  I pasted that model in as spice text, changed my component model name to match, but it doesn't work. My project is [](  Can someone help?  This is all new to me. EDIT:  dammit, I forgot and changed the project.  I'll will post here when I get it back to what I wanted to show. EDIT2:  Ok, it is back to my example.  Please help.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; It is not necessary to search the exact component value from the library for your schematic, you need just to select the component that much the footprint of your real component. For example a 10 MOhm resistor 0805 package is the same as 1 Ohm resistor 0805 package. So all what it needs is to find out the package (size of the zener) of your diode and find a similar package from the library. You can find more details about component package size through the following link : [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
This topic may help: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport, @mchahn is asking about simulatable Spice Symbols with associated spice models for a zener diode and is not, in this question, concerned about finding non-simulation Schematic Symbols and associating PCB Footrpints.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mchahn, You are asking questions and making mistakes in what you are trying to do because you have either not read or have misunderstood the EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial, (3) in (2) in: []( The EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial is essential reading before attempting simulation in EasyEDA. It is important that the whole tutorial is studdied in order because later sections rely on having understood earlier ones. In your particular sim one of the problems is that you have a symbol for a diode that has a D spice prefix so it is expecting a .model defined model but what you have pasted in is a .subckt defined model. To run that you need to change the spice prefix to X. If you make that change then your sim will run. BUT you must read the tutorial to understand why. BTW you cannot safely use a BSS123 with a 24V supply and a 100R pullup: it is only rated for 170mA and with an Rds_ON of about 6R, the ON state current through it is over 220mA. Its pulsed rating is 680mA but that is for around a 2% duty cycle and you are running it at about 50%. The device is also rated as 0.25W power dissipation whereas passing an ON current of about 0.22A through a 6R Rds_ON at 50% duty cycle, dissipates 0.66W. It's OK in a sim but not in a real circuit. :) []( [](
mchahn 4 years ago
Thanks, you have given me a fresh start.  BTW, I knew the circuit was garbage.  :-)
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