You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
no tracks when exporting
1229 2
Herchamier 8 years ago
After many hours making a 2 sided board in PCB editor, when I export to PDF only the foot prints and silk layers are visible. No tracks or traces are exported on either side. I have placed all traces on either the bottom or top solder layer. It seems like the export feature is limited in which layers it exports (the dialogue box only has a limited number of choices, not all layers are listed) All my artwork is visible when I do a photoview. Is there a work around, perhaps at the script level that will allow me to export layers other than the 4 that are listed ( not including inner layers) or are the individual layers only for in-house use.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Herchamier, Welcome to EasyEDA. From your description I think the problem is that you have put your tracks on the `Top Solder layer` and the `Bottom Solder Layer` instead of on the `Top Layer` and the `Bottom Layer` The so-called `Solder` layers are for the Solder Mask. The `Top Layer` and `Bottom Layer` are routing layers for copper traces. To correct this you will have to select each of the traces on your `Top Solder layer` in turn and then in the right hand panel change them from `Top Solder layer` to `Top Layer`. This will move them all onto the correct layer. Do the same for the `Bottom Solder layer` to `Bottom Layer`. Alternatively, you can open the **EasyEDA Source** for your PCB, do a Select All (CTRL+A), Copy (CTRL+C) of the contents of the window that opens and then paste (CTRL+V) it into a text editor, make a backup copy and then in the working copy, do a search and replace for: `"TRACK~1~7~` to `"TRACK~1~1~` and again for: `"TRACK~1~8~` to `"TRACK~1~2~` This will move all lines from the `Top Solder layer` to the `Top Layer` and from the `Bottom Solder layer` to the `Bottom Layer`. Do a Select All (CTRL+A), Copy (CTRL+C) of the edited file then paste (CTRL+V) it back into the EasyEDA Source window, click **Apply** and then save the PCB. Check the PCB carefully after doing this. See also:
Herchamier 8 years ago
THANKS FOR LOOKING INTO THIS AND YOUR REPLY. This is the conclusion I was coming to and I am in the process of moving to the correct layer now in the gui. It is proving difficult since you cannot copy and paste from one layer to another so its one trace at a time-sorta. It seems I may be able to select the traces individually and change the layer parameter as long as I don't accidentally pick sonething that is not exclusive to the solder layer Unfortunately, the names of the solder layers were confusing, to me anyway, and I had not seen the question/answer you've referenced in the first "see also" in my researching of this. I will try doing a batch change with the script to try and save some time. thanks again
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