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noob - Circuit: good* no system model for ...
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kking85743 8 years ago
SPICE run says: Circuit: good* no system model for irf610pbf, you can create a model by yourselfuntitled So, there are 4 versions of this part (IRF610) in the libraries, but each one gives this error when I try to run AC analysis (and the DC analysis is pretty sketchy as well). There are all kinds of hints about what to do in the help files, but nothing I could find said: "To merge this library item with a valid SPICE library, do this..." or "Here's how you create your own model..." (which is what the error message seems to imply I can do). The closest I was able to find included creating it from scratch, but the program seems to make it clear that it doesn't want to avoid that. I've got a couple libraries to try, but can't figure out how to get a particular lib associated with an existing library part. What am I missing? Additionally, my top menu bar does not have the green guy, I have to either CTRL-R or use the menu in the upper right corner and slide thru several layers of menu. All the tutorials seem to presume the green guy is always present. What have I done to so annoy the green guy that he left?
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Kking85743, Welcome to EasyEDA. Sorry but the green guy made it too easy for people to misuse the simulation tool and this was eating up all our server spacetime, so from Version 3.1 he has been banished. I have just added a spice symbol with associated subckt model and (vertical TO-220AB) PCB footprint for the Vishay IRF610. You can find it by doing **SHIFT+F** or **More Libraries...** then looking under: **System Components > Spice Dscrete** Or do **SHIFT+F** or **More Libraries...** and search for IRF610 and look for the symbol with the little `s` in it and these tags: `Spice Discrete; SpiceSymbol; subckt; NMOS` * We recommend that you read and play with the examples in the EasyEDA Simulation eBook at: Please also see: and the second post in:
kking85743 8 years ago
Thanks. I'd dug around using a search engine and found how to add .sbckt, and had done so. From the results, we probably used the same data. Thanks for the assist. Much rather have a functional item in the library than a pile of text notes on my drawings.
kking85743 8 years ago
New question - the capacitance for the IRF610 is listed for 1MHz, but I'm operating at audio frequencies, where the capacitance is much less (about 10% of full value). This difference results in circuits that refuse to stop oscilating or have other problems. How do I add a part AND the associated .model or .subckt for local use (just for me, so as not to clutter up the rest of the stream - there are plenty of modified versions of the )? I see you added a part with the spice stuff, so I know it can be done, but I can't seem to find a way to do it, even after trying the referenced pages (some of which didn't work the way I expected, always a problem with a growing software platform). Please advise.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Just use the IRF610 that I put in the library and let the model take care of how the device is being used in your circuit. Here's why. `the capacitance for the IRF610 is listed for 1MHz` I don't know which of the various device capacitances given in the device datasheet you are referring to but that capacitance will vary with the device operating point. The reference to 1MHz is just because that is the frequency (in some sort of test jig) at which it/they were measured for reference purposes. You need to understand that simulating devices is a non-trivial task. A spice model for a device attempts to accurately model all the device parasitics over the whole of the device operating region that you may be using it in. The symbol and model I have put in the library uses the device manufacturer's best effort at an accurate device model. Unless you understand exactly what each parameter in a .model (and in devices used in a .subckt model) represents, don't be tempted to play about editing them. This is because most device models are not simple mappings of datasheet parametetrs but are based on physical models so parameters that may look like datasheet parameters are often not and they are very often dynamic. Changing model parameters can result in completely unrealistic device behaviour in a simulation. If you really want to play about with other models then you need to read: **Device Models** including the references to other documents and lecture notes in that chapter.
fakengineer 7 years ago
Hey, I encountered the same problem with the 5A ACS712 from Allegro and the TI's ADS1220 chip, there are no SPICE models for either of these. Can anyone help?
andyfierman 7 years ago
There are no ADC models available in EasyEDA and in general there are no spice models available for ADCs. For background please see: and: For the 5A ACS712 from Allegro, it may be possible to create a behavioural model but it depends on how accurately you need to model the device. The simplest model is a Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS) or a B Source configured as one. More detailed modelling is possible but obviously is more complex to do.
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