You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
pattern not drawn correctly
647 3
queenidog 5 years ago
I'm using pattern for MCP23017 port expander.  The lettering is too close to the edge of the rectangle representing the chip.  This is a bug, and I'm willing to edit it if possible. How?   ("Edit" just gives me pin numbers, not a way to move the pins or the rectangle.
andyfierman 5 years ago
"I'm using pattern for MCP23017 port expander." Which one? ![image.png](// Please see: ### Include relevant information to demonstrate or illustrate your question or point in: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
For info on how to create or edit symbols and footprints, please see the main Tutorial and read (2.3) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
queenidog 5 years ago
I must have been using the library incorrectly when I got one pattern that was badly drawn (edges too close to text).  Today I searched the library and picked "one" that was exactly correct.    So I don't have to edit it.
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